Philips AED

Philips is a diversified technology company, focused on improving people’s lives through meaningful innovation.  With a century of history and more than 450 innovative products and services, Philips is ready to meet today’s challenges in healthcare by creating solutions that deliver better care to more people at lower cost.  Philips is committed to helping you create meaningful moments of care, whether in the hospital room, the living room or the boardroom.

Philips’ HeartStart AED products set the standard for quality and reliability.  For more information, visit: Philips HeartStart



Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)

With step-by-step voice commands, Philips HeartStart AEDs guide you through the process of treating a victim of suspected sudden cardiac arrest. We support you with clinical training, services, accessories and programs to help give you the confidence and peace of mind when using an AED.

Easy as 1-2-3

When you observe someone suffering from a suspected SCA, you should act quickly. We’ve equipped OnSite with integrated SMART Pads. Just place the SMART Pads on the person’s bare skin, and they will provide feedback to the AED so it can adapt its voice instructions to your actions and your pace. The SMART Pads sense when they have been placed on the patient and when you’ve completed each step. The system won’t announce the next step until you are ready. Prompts are repeated and rephrased, and include additional instruction to aid understanding.